metal roof from Central States

Durability included fire resistance

Metal Roofs and Fire Means Protection is Priceless

Metal roofs have several advantages when it comes to fire resistance, making them a popular choice in areas prone to wildfires or for homeowners looking to enhance their fire safety. Their fire-resistant qualities, longevity, and durability also make metal roofs very appealing to insurance companies. The most important distinctions between metal roof panels and asphalt shingles is time and the materials that each is constructed from.

Advantages of Metal Roofs Should the Unforeseen Happens.

Non-Combustible Material
Metal roofs are made of non-combustible materials such as steel. These materials do not ignite when exposed to flames, which is a significant advantage in fire-prone areas.

Embers and Sparks
In wildfires, or the case of homes close together in subdivisions or HOA/POA communities, one of the main ways homes catch fire is through flying embers and sparks. Metal roofs are less likely to catch fire from these embers compared to roofing materials like wood or asphalt shingles and acts as a protector for portions of the house underneath.

High Fire Ratings
Many metal roofing products have high fire ratings, indicating their resistance to fire. All Central States metal panels have earned a Class A rating which indicates a flame spread rating somewhere between zero and 25. This rating involves burning materials under controlled conditions and measuring the speed and extent of flame spread. The resulting number is the flame spread index. Materials that earn this high rating do not burn well and are very unlikely to contribute fuel to a fire. They also help slow the spread of fire as metal panels withstand heat better than other products. The zero to 25 rating is the best rating given.

Metal roofs are durable and long-lasting. They do not degrade as quickly as other materials, such as wood or asphalt, which can become more susceptible to fire as they age and deteriorate.

Low Maintenance
Metal roofs require minimal maintenance, reducing the risk of fire hazards associated with the accumulation of debris or damaged roofing materials.

Quick Cooling
After a fire has passed, metal roofs cool down quickly, reducing the risk of re-ignition caused by lingering embers.

Roofing System
It’s important to note that a roofing system involves more than just the material itself. Proper installation and the use of fire-resistant underlayment and flashing are critical for maximizing fire resistance.

While metal roofs offer excellent fire resistance, it’s important to remember that no roofing material is completely fireproof. The overall fire safety of a home also depends on other factors like the design of the house, the presence of firebreaks, defensible space, and the maintenance of the property.

When considering a metal roof for fire resistance, it’s essential to check local building codes and regulations. Some areas with a high risk of wildfires may have specific requirements for roofing materials and construction practices to enhance fire safety.

Learn more about quality Central States metal panels and how they help protect your family or business.

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